Friday, August 5, 2011

I would like to use this blog to share some of the tips and tricks for saving (anything and everything) that I learned from others and those that I learned through experience.

These are the Basic Steps I consider are necessary for saving our environment for the current and future generations to come.

1) Rethink: Think through our basic day-to-day needs and the ways we adopt to satisfy them, be it, food, clothing, appliances usage, etc., and use an effective way of achieving them.

2) Re-use: Trying to re-use things as much as possible is the critical factor in saving things.

3) Recyle: I would consider this as a last resort for saving the resources, for it has more negative implications and foot-print on the environment, then most of us could imagine. But it is at least better than being entirely careless about the environment :-)

Please contribute your views/suggestions, and also feel free to comment or contradict the above views.
